Remember Us in Your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will to charity, after taking care of family and friends, is the ultimate way to pass on something wonderful for generations to come.

By remembering your favourite charities in this way, you’re ensuring that their good work lives on. The donation can be as small or large as you like – every gift makes a big difference.

Many people depend on the services of Centre 404 for their social life, being part of their community and accessing information and both practical and emotional support. Centre 404 provides a sense of belonging for people with learning disabilities and their families.

The idea of naming Centre 404 as a beneficiary in Wills came in response to families’ fears and anxieties about the future of their sons and daughters once they cease to be able to care for them.

Centre 404 works hard to continue to provide some of the essential services which make a difference to those staying on.

Remember us in your Will.

Our previous Chair and now President for Centre 404, Jean Willson OBE and her family are leaving gifts in their wills to the charity. Centre 404 has played a significant role in their lives. It is, as they refer to it, their Heart’s Centre:

If Centre 404 has also touched your life, or someone you care about, then please consider saying thank you by leaving the charity a gift in your Will.

If you would like advice on how to ensure that you can continue to support Centre 404 through provision in your Will, please visit or get in touch with Sille via

Please see video our Fundraising Coordinator Sille did here as well for Remember a Charity in Your Will Week: