Carers Week 2020

This year we celebrated Carers Week with a full schedule of virtual activities and poetry in partnership with Islington Carers Hub and Age UK Islington, and supported by Islington Council. A big THANK YOU to all our community partners and supporters.

Click here to see the full schedule of activities and see below for highlights from the week.

Monday: The launch video for Carers Week 2020 featuring:

Islington Mayor Cllr Rakhia Ismail

Ismail Bahriyeli, Head of Carers & Community, Age UK

Islington Cllr Janet Burgess

Jean Wilson, Chair of Trustees, Centre 404

Jeanne Pring, Islington Carer




Tuesday poem: Actor Hugh Fraser reads ‘Only a Smile’ by George McDonald


Wednesday poem: ‘What is this Life’ by WH Davies is read by Islington carer, Purleane Chambers


Thursday poem: ‘You Are Enough’ by Caroline Stratfull read out by Niroo Patel, Family Carer from Centre 404 


Friday poem: ‘Each Day She Wakes Him’ written and recited by Luke Addison as part of the theme #MakingCaringVisible