Risk Assessments
Covid-19 Risk Assessment Information
Preserving and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and volunteers, and keeping them well is critical for Centre 404 as we respond to the coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19).
It is essential that every effort is taken to support the physical and mental wellbeing of our people to enable them to stay healthy and protect themselves, colleagues, the people we support and their families as we continue to deliver services through this challenging period.
As the UK Government continue to put additional measures in place to delay the spread of COVID-19 and our staff and volunteers continue to provide front line services, with staff who cannot work from home returning to the workplace we have undertaken detailed risk assessments to inform the health and safety of our people and detail the steps we have taken to reduce risk and support our people to stay well.
We continue to regard this as a rapidly evolving situation and therefore we continue to introduce control measures to avoid or reduce risk.. These will be monitored by managers and Heads of Service to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all.
Covid-19 Risk Assessment for Centre 404 Staff (UPDATED 14.12.2020)
Risk Assessment Information and Consultation to Staff (Updated 01.06.2020)
Covid-19 Specific Risk Assessment- 200521 (Updated 04.06.2020)
PPE Risk Assessment for C404 Staff (Updated 28.05.2020)
Staff Well-being and Health Safety Risk Assessment (Updated 21.05.2020)
Learning & Leisure Risk Asessment Coronavirus (Updated 02.06.2020)