This meeting will be taking place on Zoom and is available for Parents & Carers who care for adults who have a disability accessing services or living in Islington. For further details or to book onto to future meetings please contact Emily – or call 020 7607 8762
The next meeting of the Family Carers Reference Group will be on Wednesday 18th November , starting at 11.00.
It will take place on ZOOM, please click below to join the meeting.
The New Normal???
At the time of our last meeting, we were still enjoying our new post-lockdown freedoms. Since then, we’ve moved back through the Tiers, and now into lockdown again.
So we’re very pleased that Stephen Day, Head of Islington Learning Disability Service, is able to join us again to update us on service delivery under the new lockdown, with all the implications of that for those we care for and for us as family carers. This is a great opportunity for family carers to relay concerns we have back to Stephen. The forthcoming arrival of vaccines is really good news, but it may be months before that will significantly affect our individual lives.
Islington’s Fairer Together Partnership
Earlier this year, the Council launched an initiative to examine the wide discrepancies in life opportunities between people living in Islington. Nationally, its well known that people with disabilities have their lives constrained in many different ways, and the same holds true for at least some family carers. Its thus been excellent that two family carers are members of the Fairer Together Partnership, and we have invited Sophie Neal, the Project Manager, to our meeting. Sophie is very keen to hear from our wider group of family carers what suggestions we have for addressing the challenges that can arise.
For this meeting, we have also invited the managers of the Islington Parents’ Forum to join us. The Parents Forum is for parents of school-age children with disabilities, but we face many challenges in common and it will be good to share our experiences.
Looking forward to seeing you all again on the 18th November.
With our best wishes
Mark Austin Emily Brooks
Chair, FCRG Centre 404