Family Carers Reference Group Meeting
17th March 2021 on Zoom 11am
Dear Family Carers,
We do hope you are still surviving lockdown – at least there looks like there is some light at the end of the tunnel now. The next meeting of the Family Carers Reference Group will be on Wednesday March 17th, starting at our usual time of 11.00. It will be a good opportunity for us to share what’s been going on in our lives since we last met, and to feed back information from meetings we’ve attended.
Covid, Vaccinations and the Way Forward
We’re very pleased that we will be joined again by Stephen Day, Head of Islington Learning Disability Service, and Ellie Chesterman, Senior Commissioner. Stephen and Ellie will update us on service delivery during the current lockdown, including the roll-out of the vaccines.
Planning for our futures
None of us will be here for ever, and sadly Covid has really brought that home to us. We’ve addressed the importance in the past at the FCRG of planning for the future, given our responsibilities towards those we care for. We think its time we did so again, so we will be discussing with you the best way to approach the many different aspects of this subject.
Looking forward to seeing you all again next week.
With our best wishes
Mark Austin Chair, FCRG Emily Brooks Centre 404
To attend this meeting please contact Emily – 07946205415