Puberty, Menstruation, Menopause and Sexual Health of women with Learning Disabilities or Autism
An information session for parents and family members who care for a woman with learning disabilities or autism
Is your loved one approaching puberty, menopause or in the peri-menopause?
Do you want to learn about how to prepare yourself for this stage in the hormonal journey?
Then this event is for you!
The talks on the day will cover:
• Puberty and sensory issues, HPV vaccine and more
• Peri-menopause, menopause, HRT and consent
• Period poverty
• Sexual health
• Family carer experience
Open to family carers of women with learning disabilities or autism in North London.
BOOKINGS: 02076971336 or
Friday 26th April 10:00 – 15:00 at Centre 404
Click here to download a flier