What’s been happening since the Education Reforms in 2014?
This is a special conference aimed at parent carers of children with special needs and disabilities (SEND) to understand the implementation of the biggest Education Reforms in recent years (Children and Families Act 2014) and to evaluate how they have been rolled out over the last 3 years.
Wednesday 7th March
10.00am – 2.00pm
at St Luke’s Church, Penn Road,
London N7 9JE
Richard Watts Leader of Islington Council will be opening the Conference
Speakers confirmed will cover a range of SEND subjects:
- Independent Parental Special Educational Advice – (IPSEA) Lucy Hayes
- Afasic (Speech and Language information and advice) – Linda Lascelles (CEO)
- National Network of Parent Carer Forums – Heather Tarbuck (Contact)
- Islington Pupils Service – Candy Holder, Head of Service
- Douglas Silas Solicitors – SEN solicitors
- Council for Disabled Children
Entry is free for parent carers of children with special educational needs.
Please, bring your own lunch!
To reserve your free place call 020 7697 1336 or email family@centre404.org.uk